File a Iowa Reinstatement

Sometimes, a business falls into bad standing or inactive status with the state due to its failure to comply with certain obligations. Either can be resolved with reinstatement.

Speak to an Expert today about reinstatement service at 888-366-9552.

Reports as low as $49 with our Total Compliance Package.

Why Do You Need Iowa Reinstatement For Your LLC or Corporation?

While the loss of good standing comes with consequences, it is not the end for a company. Through Iowa reinstatement, you can restore this status and do business again without a problem.

What Is Needed To File For Reinstatement?

When a company is in bad standing for a certain period, the state may decide to administratively dissolve it. The business will then have to go through the reinstatement process, which depends on state laws.

In Iowa, an administratively dissolved company will have to file an Application for Reinstatement with the Business Services Division of the Secretary of State. Additionally, you will have to submit all delinquent biennial reports and pay the corresponding fees. You can do so by fax, by mail, or in person. Make sure your check is payable to the Secretary of State. The address of their office is as follows:

Secretary of State

Business Services Division

Lucas Building, 1st Floor

Des Moines, Iowa 50319

Phone: (515)281-5204

Fax: (515) 281-7142 or (515) 242-5953

If the reason for the administrative dissolution is your failure to maintain or appoint a registered agent or office, you will have to submit a statement of change along with your Iowa reinstatement filing.

If the administrative dissolution is because of the expiration of the duration of your business entity, you will have to file the Articles of Amendment or Restated Articles along with your reinstatement application.

How Much Will It Cost To Reinstate?

LLC – Reinstating an Iowa LLC costs $5. Each delinquent biennial report is worth $45. There is no late fee for past-due reports.

Corporation – The application for the Iowa reinstatement of a corporation in Iowa comes with a $5 filing fee. You also have to pay $45 for every delinquent biennial report. There is no late fee for past-due reports

How Long Will This Process Take?

LLC – The Business Services Division may take around 1-3 business days to finish processing LLC filings. If you submit in person, they will process your documents while you wait.

Corporation – The normal processing of corporate submissions is around 1-3 business days. However, your documents will be taken care of while you wait if you choose to submit them in person.

What Is Required On The Forms?

LLC – The Application for Iowa Reinstatement requires LLCs to disclose the following information:

  •       LLC Name
  •       New Name, If The Original Is Unavailable
  •       Date Of Administrative Dissolution
  •       Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
  •       State Sales Tax Permit Number, If Applicable
  •       Signature And Title Of The Authorized Representative

Corporation – Administratively dissolved corporations have to prepare the following:

  •       Company Name
  •       New Name, If The Original Is Unavailable
  •       Date Of Administrative Dissolution
  •       FEIN
  •       State Sales Tax Permit Number, If Applicable
  •       Signature And Title Of The Authorized Representative

What Cannot Be Changed On The Forms?

You cannot change the principal office address or the names and addresses of your company’s officials on the reinstatement forms. If you want to change your registered agent or office, you will have to file a statement of change. 


What If My Company’s Name Is In Use When I Need To Reinstate?

The name of your corporation has to be distinguishable, so you may have to use a new one if the original is unavailable. You can include this information on the Application for Reinstatement.

In some cases, the state authorizes companies to use names that are not necessarily distinguishable. To be able to do so, you will have to apply to the Secretary of State to receive authorization. The name also needs to satisfy certain requirements. You can check the Secretary of State’s website to learn more about this.

How Can DoMyLLC Assist With Streamlining?

Getting your Iowa company back into good standing requires you to complete the entire reinstatement process that the state has set. The paperwork you need to file will depend on the reason for your administrative dissolution.

If you find the transactions burdensome, contact a reputable company like DoMyLLC. Our team of professionals will assist you and help you complete each step properly. We can also provide a personalized solution that fits the needs and situation of your business entity.

Iowa Reinstatement FAQS

The reinstatement form does not have a section for changing a company’s registered agent. If the state administratively dissolves your company because you failed to maintain a registered agent, you will have to file a change of agent form along with the reinstatement filing.

You can miss several biennial reports. The state does not have a limit that will prohibit your company from being reinstated.

You can apply for reinstatement at any time because there is no deadline for it. However, if your company remains administratively dissolved for more than five years, your company name may be available for the use of another business entity.

Iowa Business Resources

Iowa Office of Secretary of State
Phone Number:
(515) 281-5204

Office of the Secretary of State
First Floor, Lucas Building 321 E. 12th St.
Des Moines, IA 50319

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