File a Nevada Reinstatement

Running a Nevada business requires you to comply with certain state obligations. Doing this will ensure that your company remains in good standing.

Speak to an Expert today about reinstatement service at 888-366-9552.

Reports as low as $49 with our Total Compliance Package.

Why Do You Need Nevada Reinstatement For Your LLC Or Corporation?

When a company fails to fulfill its obligations with the state, it may eventually fall into bad standing. If the issues are not addressed long enough, the business may end up facing administrative dissolution and losing its authority to conduct its operations in Nevada. Then companies will need to file for Nevada reinstatement. 

What Is Needed To File For Reinstatement?

The reinstatement process can return a company to good standing even after the state involuntarily dissolves it. Through this, you will have a chance to correct the mistakes of your company. State laws determine the process.

LLC – A dissolved LLC in Nevada will have to accomplish the reinstatement packet. You can download it from the Secretary of State website. It includes the following forms:

  •   Certificate Of Reinstatement
  •   Annual List Of Managers Or Managing Members
  •   Registered Agent Acceptance
  •   Statement Of Change Of Registered Agent By Represented Entity
  •   Declaration Of Eligibility For State Business License Exemption
  •   Customer Order Instructions
  •   E-Payment Checklist For Counter, Fax, And Mail Requests
  •   Name Consent Or Application For Reinstatement, If Required

However, it is not necessary to use all of the attachments. You can use only the Statement of Change of Registered Agent if the reason for your dissolution is your failure to maintain a registered agent.

Each form comes with a corresponding filing fee. Additionally, you need to settle delinquent fees and penalties. Contact the Secretary of State at (775) 684-5708 to find out the total amount of your revival fee.

Corporation – Reinstating your Nevada corporation requires the submission of the Application for Reinstatement or Revival. You may also need to include the following:

  •   Annual List Of Officers And Directors
  •   Registered Agent Acceptance Form
  •   Statement Of Change Of Registered Agent
  •   Name Consent Or Application For Reinstatement
  •   Customer Order Instructions

The Statement of Change of Registered Agent is only for corporations administratively dissolved due to their failure to maintain a registered agent. You can submit the completed forms to the Secretary of State by fax, mail, email, or in person. You also need to pay for all back fees and penalties. Contact the Secretary of State to find out the exact cost of your reinstatement.

How Much Will It Cost To Reinstate?

LLC – Nevada LLCs need to pay all back annual fees and the corresponding late penalties. The report costs $125 per year, and the late penalty fee for every missed annual listing is $75. Business license filings cost $200 per year. The late penalty for this transaction is $100. Meanwhile, the reinstatement fee is $300.

If the cause of your dissolution is the failure to maintain a registered agent, you will have to pay an additional $60 for the Statement of Change of Registered Agent filing.

Corporation – The same applies to corporations. You will have to check the total amount of delinquent fees and penalties you owe. Annual listings cost $125 each. If you missed the filing, the late penalty is $75. The cost may be higher if your corporation has a big amount of authorized issued stocks. Business license filings are $200 per year, and the penalty fee for late filings is $300. Meanwhile, the Nevada reinstatement fee is $300.

If you choose expedited service, you will have to pay more. 

  • 24 Business Hours – $125
  • Two-Hour Service – $500
  • One-Hour Processing – $1,000

How Long Will This Process Take?

The state normally takes around 7-10 business days to finish processing your documents. However, you may request a one-hour, two-hour, or 24-hour expedited service.


What Is Required On The Forms?


  •   Entity Name
  •   Entity Number
  •   Signature Of An Authorized Representative
  •   Names And Addresses Of The Managers Or Managing Members
  •   Name, Address, And Signature Of The Registered Agent
  •   Nevada Business ID Number
  •   Return Address


  •   Entity Name
  •   Purposed Name, If The Original Is Unavailable
  •   Entity Number
  •   Signature Of An Authorized Representative
  •   Names And Addresses Of The Managers Or Managing Members
  •   Name, Address, And Signature Of The Registered Agent
  •   Nevada Business ID Number
  •   Return Address

What If My Company’s Name Is In Use When I Need To Reinstate?

LLC – If the name of your LLC is no longer available, you will have to use a new name. Inform the state of the change using the Name Consent or Application for Reinstatement form.

Corporation – If your company name is already in use when you reinstate, you will have to adopt a different one. File it using the Name Consent or Application for Nevada Reinstatement form.

How Can DoMyLLC Assist With Streamlining?

If the state involuntarily dissolves your Nevada company, you will need to complete formal paperwork, including Nevada reinstatement. The process can be overwhelming for many business owners, especially since they have to juggle it with other responsibilities.

DoMyLLC can help you. Our team of experts is here to provide you with support and assist you throughout the whole ordeal. We also provide custom solutions to match your company’s specific needs.

Nevada Reinstatement FAQS

Yes, you can update the name and/or address of your registered agent by attaching a completed Statement of Change of Registered Agent by Entity form to your filing and paying an additional $60.

You can miss a maximum of five annual reports. After that, Nevada will no longer allow your company to reinstate.

You can reinstate your business within five years of dissolution. After that period, you will have to file as a new entity.

Nevada Business Resources

Nevada Secretary of State
202 North Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701-4201

Phone: (775) 684-5708
Fax: (775) 684-5725

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