File a Wisconsin Reinstatement

When you run a business in Wisconsin, you will have certain obligations with the state. Complying with all of these will ensure that your company stays in good standing.

Speak to an Expert today about reinstatement service at 888-366-9552.

Reports as low as $49 with our Total Compliance Package.

Why Do You Need A Wisconsin Reinstatement For Your LLC Or Corporation?

If a company falls into bad standing, it may end up facing noncompliance fines. Failure to settle those can lead to administrative dissolution, which can only be mended through Wisconsin reinstatement.

What Is Needed To File For Reinstatement?

If you want to return your company to good standing after the state has administratively dissolved it, you will have to complete the reinstatement process. 

In Wisconsin, administratively dissolved companies that want to continue doing business have to file a Certificate of Reinstatement form with the Department of Financial Institutions (DFI). You can request a copy of the said form from the Division of Corporate and Consumer Services of the DFI. You should also attach a current annual report when you submit the form. If you want to have expedited service, write “for expedited processing” on the documents.

You can submit by mail, by commercial delivery, or in person. 

In Person:

Department of Financial Institutions

Division of Corporate and Consumer Services

Corporate Section

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 7846

Madison, Wisconsin 53707

Express Mail:

345 W. Washington Avenue 3rd Floor

Madison, Wisconsin 53703

Fax: (608) 267-6813

How Much Will It Cost To Reinstate?

LLC – Wisconsin LLCs that want to reinstate need to pay the $100 filing fee. Each delinquent annual report costs $40. If you want to speed up the process, you have to pay another $25.

Corporation – Reinstating a Wisconsin corporation costs $100. Delinquent annual reports come with a fee of $40 each. If you choose expedited service, add another $25.

How Long Will This Process Take?

LLC – The DFI normally takes around five business days to finish processing LLC reinstatement filings. They will complete expedited filings by the close of the next business day.

Corporation – The normal processing of corporate Wisconsin reinstatement filings takes about five business days. But if you choose expedited service, you can expect the DFI to finish by the end of the next business day.

What Is Required On The Forms?


  •   LLC Name
  •   Date Of Administrative Dissolution
  •   A Statement That The LLC Name Satisfies The Naming Requirements
  •   Entity ID Number


  •   Corporation Name
  •   Date Of Administrative Dissolution
  •   A Statement That The Corporation Name Satisfies The Naming Requirements
  •   Entity ID Number


What Cannot Be Changed On The Forms?

LLC – An LLC cannot use the Certificate of Wisconsin Reinstatement form to change the registered agent’s information and principal business address. However, you can update them on the annual report you are filing with the reinstatement.

Corporation – You cannot change the name and address of your registered agent, your company’s principal office address, and the names and addresses of your officers and directors. If you have to change any of those, update the information on the annual report you are filing with the reinstatement.

What If My Company’s Name Is In Use When I Need To Reinstate?

LLC – A Wisconsin LLC loses its exclusive right to its name when the state administratively dissolves it. If your company name is no longer available when you reinstate, you will have to use a new one.

Corporation – An administratively dissolved company loses its right to its name. If another entity is already using your company name when you reinstate, you will have to change it.

How Can DoMyLLC Assist With Streamlining?

If the state administratively dissolves your Wisconsin company but you want to continue doing business in the state, then you will have to file formal paperwork and pay the corresponding fees. You also need to settle any delinquent reports and payments.

If you find the Wisconsin reinstatement process a bit challenging to accomplish, contact a third-party organization like DoMyLLC. Our team can help you properly complete all of the required transactions. We also offer personalized solutions to match the needs of your company.

Wisconsin Reinstatement FAQS

No, you cannot change the name or office address of your registered agent using the reinstatement form. If your agent has resigned or you have decided to appoint a new one, you can update the information on the annual report you will be filing along with the reinstatement.

Wisconsin does not have a limit for the number of annual report filings a company can miss. You can reinstate at any time regardless of how many reports you have failed to submit.

There is no time limit or deadline for administratively dissolved companies in Wisconsin. You can reinstate anytime after the dissolution.

Wisconsin Business Resources

Wisconsin Office of Secretary of State
Phone Number:
(608) 261-7577

Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions
PO Box 93348
Milwaukee, WI 53293-0348

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