Registered Agent Services
It is a state requirement for corporations and businesses to determine, and publicly declare, a registered agent. Simply stated, the registered agent is the administrative connection between the corporation and the state.
The registered agent is responsible for receiving important documents on behalf of the business, and filing paperwork appropriately to ensure that the business remains in good standing. From a legal perspective, the registered agent is the person who will be the contact for due process, which includes being served papers in a lawsuit.
Thinking about all that a registered agent is responsible for can be overwhelming. Securing an outside registered agent service like DoMyLLC can provide more than just peace of mind – we will manage all of the changing requirements, ensuring that your business stays in good standing while you focus on what’s really important, managing the day-to-day needs of the business.
Why Choose DoMyLLC?
A significant and required aspect of being a registered agent is being accessible during all regular business hours to receive legal documents, tax documents and official government notifications on behalf of the business. At DoMyLLC, we are always available leaving the owners with the freedom and flexibility needed to conduct business off property at any time of their choosing, without the risk of missing delivery of critical documents. We offer two options for accepting legal documents – having them mailed to our office or receipt via electronic delivery.
With offices in all 50 states, we can meet the requirement of having a physical address in the state where you are authorized to conduct business. Our location will be listed on public record, keeping the business or personal addresses private. This is especially beneficial for sole proprietors or general partnerships. This is also favorable if your business is not physically located in the state in which it is registered.
Our agents are trained experts in identifying official and legal documentation as well as solicitations. We will manage the paperwork you receive and with our compliance reminders and notifications, we can ensure that your business never misses a filing deadline.
We also guarantee that all annual reports, forms and legal documents are sent to your business in a timely and discreet fashion. If your business operates in multiple states, our experienced team can manage the expectations of each state, freeing you from knowing and understanding the changing laws and requirements that differ for each state.
When maintaining your business records, all documents are stored in a secure, electronic location, designated specifically for your business. Documents are uploaded in real-time, eliminating any question as to when filings have occurred.
We’ll eliminate the added stress and additional workload of trying to keep your company compliant. Trust us as your registered agent to manage and store your critical documents, ensuring that deadlines are met and you are always in good standing.
Business Learning Center

Business Start Up Guide
“This is not ‘Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.” — Walter Sobchak

Registered Agent Guide
“This aggression will not stand, man.” — The Dude

LLC vs Corporation
“That rug really tied the room together.” — Walter Sobchak

Taxes & Liabilities
“Hey, nice marmot.” — The Dude
What is a Registered Agent?
A Registered Agent is a person or authorized entity who can accept legal documents, tax documents and notifications from a government office on behalf of a Corporation or LLC.
Why does a company have to have a Registered Agent?
The main function of the Registered Agent is to receive service of process (legal correspondence) on behalf of the company. If the company is being sued, the agent is the person that will receive the lawsuit.
Who can be the Registered Agent?
The Registered Agent can be any individual (over the age of 18) or authorized entity that resides at a physical location within the state of filing. A P.O. box does not qualify.
Why does the Registered Agent need to be available?
The agent is responsible for legal correspondence which is handled during normal business hours Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 p.m.
Our price is the best in the industry, only $99. Give us a call and we will match any competitor’s price, (888)-DoMyLLC (366-9552).
Our office includes this service in our Incorporation and LLC packages to ensure proper state requirements are met. ORDER NOW!
See our complete FAQ list here.
Ready to Appoint a Registered Agent
Comparison Chart– Compare all entity types to determine the proper structure for your business.
State Specific Information – Find out more about your state requirements.
Tax Savings Calculator – See how much in taxes can potentially be saved when filing for S Corporation status.Comparison Chart – Compare all entity types to determine the proper structure for your business.

Feel free to call us at 888-366-9552 if you have any questions–we are happy to help, or