Doing Business As (DBA)
Already have an LLC, Corp, Non-Profit or sole proprietorship? Want to work under a Different Name? We can file a DBA so you can do just that. Filing a DBA allows a person or Entity to use a name different from their legal name. It’s the least expensive way to use a business name as a sole proprietor and it allows LLC’s and Corp’s to operate multiple businesses without having to form a separate entity.
Make a Name for Yourself With a DBA
Perhaps the most exciting aspect of forming a business is deciding upon a name. This is especially important if as the business owner, you wish to operate under a different name than the legal one. To do this, you must file a DBA, or ‘Doing Business As.’ In laymen’s terms, a DBA is the name in which the company operates under, rather than the legal name used in the formation documents.
For example, sole proprietors are not likely to have their own name listed as the legal name and for multiple reasons, operating under their legal name isn’t ideal. Registering a DBA allows the owner to create a unique name that accurately reflects the purpose of the business while also keeping their personal details private.
All business entities are able to file a DBA, whether they are a corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp), LLC, nonprofit or sole proprietor. While it may not seem necessary, there are many benefits to creating a DBA which may help make the process a little more desirable.
A DBA protects the privacy of sole proprietors, but may also be necessary to conduct basic business transactions like opening a bank account and accepting payments. They are also beneficial if the corporation or LLC is operating more than one business. Find out more about DBA Benefits here.
Keep in mind that a DBA is only a name or a brand and not a business entity, therefore there is no legal protection with registering a DBA. Owners do not receive personal liability or asset protection and owners are still held personally liable for the debts of the company.
Visit our DBA Basics page and our DBA Checklist to learn more about who will benefit from a DBA as well as a step-by-step guide on how to file a DBA.
At DoMyLLC, we have a simple, two-step process that makes filing for a DBA as easy as possible. You’ll provide the information, we’ll take care of the paperwork, and for a $99 fee (in addition to any state filing fees), you can focus on growing your business while we focus on the details.
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- We offer live support to assist you
- Our customer service is excellent
- We offer friendly prices and will price match any other company
- We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee
DoMyLLC is a company that is concerned with your success and your accomplishments. Unlike some of our competition, we work with your best interests in mind. Some reasons to choose us include:
Comparison Chart
A DBA is only a name or brand as opposed to a business entity, which means that it offers no legal protection. The comparison chart assumes that the DBA was registered by a sole proprietor, and the tax advantages/disadvantages would change depending on the business structure the DBA was filed under. Visit the
What is a DBA?
A DBA means ‘Doing Business As’, and it is required when an owner wants a company to run under a different name than the legal one. It is also known as a ‘Fictitious Name’, ‘Assumed Name’, and ‘Trade Name’.
Why form a DBA?
A DBA can help a company build a brand name and it can be used through every growth level of the company.
What type of business entity can file a DBA?
Any business entity can form a DBA, including a partnership, LLC, sole proprietorship, professional corporation, corporation, non-profit corporation, and S corporation.
See our complete FAQ list here.
Ready to Start Your DBA
If you are ready to file a DBA, we are here to help. We handle all of the paperwork, and all we need from you is $99 plus any required state fees. It is a simple 2-step process and once you complete and sign the required documents, leave the rest to us and you can focus on growing your business.
Package Includes:
- Name Availability Check
- Filed DBA Documents
- Publication if Required in Your Jurisdiction
If you are interested in starting a DBA, give our office a call at 888-366-9552.