File a Pennsylvania Reinstatement

Companies that fail to comply with certain state obligations may face noncompliance fines and lose their good standing status.

Speak to an Expert today about reinstatement service at 888-366-9552.

Reports as low as $49 with our Total Compliance Package.

Why Do You Need a Pennsylvania Reinstatement for Your LLC or Corporation?

When a company falls into bad standing and becomes administratively dissolved, it may be at risk of losing its credibility and having its right to legitimately do business in a state revoked. Pennsylvania reinstatement is the process that will bring it back to good standing and settle any related issues.

What Is Needed to File for Reinstatement?

Reinstating an administratively dissolved company allows it to regain the benefits that come with its business entity type. You can continue doing business without worrying about the legality of your operations.

LLC – In Pennsylvania, dissolved LLCs do not have the opportunity to reinstate. They will have to start over and file a new Certificate of Organization with the Corporation Bureau of the Department of State. Aside from that, they will have to submit a Docketing Statement and a Consent to Appropriation or Use of Similar Name. However, if the original LLC name is no longer available, you will have to use a new one.

Corporation – As for expired and dissolved corporations in Pennsylvania, you may be able to reinstate your company by filing a Statement of Revival-Domestic form with the Corporation Bureau of the Department of State. You will also have to submit a Docketing Statement-Changes form.

In case of dissolution, you will have to attach a tax clearance certificate. Submit an application form to the Department of Revenue and the Department of Labor and Industry. This request is free of charge.

How Much Will It Cost to Reinstate?

LLC – An administratively dissolved Pennsylvania LLC cannot reinstate. If you want to do business again, you will have to apply as a new business entity. This costs $125.

Corporation – Pennsylvania imposes a $70 flat Pennsylvania reinstatement fee for administratively dissolved or expired corporations.

How Long Will the Reinstatement Process Take?

LLC – The Secretary of State normally takes a week to process new LLC Articles of Organization.

Corporation – The normal processing time for corporation reinstatement documents is approximately a week. As for the tax clearance certificate, you can expect to receive it from the Department of Revenue and the Department of Labor and Industry in about a month.

What Is Required on the Forms?

LLC – Visit the website of the Department of State to find out what information you will need to provide to start a new LLC.

Corporation – You will have to prepare the following information to complete the Pennsylvania reinstatement form:

    • Name and Address of the Contact Person
    • Company Name
    • The Statute Under Which the Company Was Incorporated
    • Date of Incorporation
    • New Name, If Applicable
    • Name and Address of the Last Registered Agent On File with the Department of State
    • Name and Address of the Current Registered Agent
    • Signature and Title of the Authorized Representative

The Application for Tax Clearance Certificate form requires the following:

  •   Company Name
  •   Current Mailing Address
  •   Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
  •   Name, Address and Contact Information of the Representative Who Will Receive the Certificate
  •   Names, Addresses and Social Security Numbers of Company Officials
  •   Date of Incorporation

What Cannot Be Changed on the Forms?

LLC – Generally, you can change any piece of information that was part of your company’s original business registration since you are starting over as a new LLC.

Corporation – You cannot change the principal office address of the company on the Pennsylvania reinstatement.


What If My Company’s Name Is In Use When I Need to Reinstate?

LLC – Administratively dissolved LLCs in Pennsylvania lose their rights to their company names. Thus, you will have to check the availability of your original company name first. If it is no longer available, you will have to apply using a new one. 

Corporation – The name of an administratively dissolved corporation in Pennsylvania will not be safe upon dissolution. If yours is no longer available when you reinstate, you will have to use an alternative.

How Can DoMyLLC Assist with Streamlining?

Reinstating a Pennsylvania company requires you to understand state laws. The process you have to go through will depend on the business entity type. If you need help in filing formal paperwork, like a Pennsylvania reinstatement, and dealing with all the transactions, contact a seasoned company like DoMyLLC.

Our team of experts can customize solutions to fit your company’s specific needs and situation. We also offer live support so we can assist you whenever necessary.

Pennsylvania Reinstatement FAQS

LLC – LLCs can change all business-related information since they will have to file as a new business entity.

Corporation – You can update the name and address of your registered agent on the reinstatement form.

LLC – If an LLC fails to submit a decennial report, the state will administratively dissolve it. There is no chance for reinstatement.

Corporation – Failure to submit a decennial report leads to administrative dissolution. However, Pennsylvania allows corporations to reinstate anytime.

LLC – Immediately after dissolution, a Pennsylvania LLC can no longer do business. You will have to start over as a new business entity.

Corporation – An administratively dissolved corporation can reinstate at any time.

Pennsylvania Business Resources:

Pennsylvania Office of Secretary of State
Phone Number:
(717) 787-1057

Pennsylvania Secretary of State
Bureau of Corporations and Charitable
Organization 401 North Stre
Harrisburg, PA 17120

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