A limited liability company (LLC) is a popular business structure among small business owners for its liability protection, management flexibility, and specific tax advantages this form of business entity can provide. Understanding the benefits and limitations of an LLC, how to create an LLC, where to form your LLC, and other important topics are essential for business success. However, with all the advantages of this business structure, an LLC can be suspended by the Secretary of State or Franchise Tax Board for a variety of reasons. If you find that your LLC is suspended, it is important to address the issues promptly to avoid any further penalties or legal consequences.
An LLC can help legally protect your personal assets, but in order to maximize your personal protection, there are a few more steps you’ll need to take. By forming a limited liability company (LLC), you and any other members of the LLC generally cannot be sued and held personally liable for debts incurred by the business. This means that your personal assets – such as your house, real estate, vehicles, investments, stocks, and financial portfolio – are out of reach of the LLC’s creditors or disgruntled clients in most instances. To protect your personal assets from business creditors and lawsuits, an LLC might be the right corporate structure for your enterprise.
However, an LLC’s liability protection is not absolute. To give yourself the maximum possible protection, you’ll need to plan an LLC asset protection strategy. When you form an LLC, you establish a new business entity that’s legally separate from its owners. This separation provides what is called limited liability protection. Members (owners of an LLC) are shielded from personal liability for actions of the LLC and its other members. Creditors cannot go after the personal assets (savings accounts, houses, vehicles, etc.) of the owners to pay business debts.
Despite the protection offered by an LLC, it can still be suspended for various reasons, such as failure to file required documents, failure to pay taxes, and failure to maintain a registered agent. If your LLC is suspended, it is not in good standing and loses its rights, powers, and privileges to do business. To revive or reinstate a suspended LLC, you will need to take certain steps, such as filing the required documents and paying any outstanding taxes and fees. The process of reinstating an LLC can vary depending on the state and the reason for suspension.
LLCs can be suspended for various reasons, but they are still a popular choice among small business owners for the liability protection, management flexibility, and tax advantages they provide. An LLC can help protect your personal assets, but to maximize your personal protection, you’ll need to plan an LLC asset protection strategy. If your LLC is suspended, it is important to address the issue promptly to avoid further penalties or legal consequences.
Common Reasons an LLC May Be Suspended
Failure to File Required Documents
LLCs are required to file certain documents with the Secretary of State and Franchise Tax Board, such as annual reports and tax returns. Failure to file these documents on time can result in a suspension.
Failure to Pay Taxes
LLCs are required to pay certain taxes, such as the annual minimum franchise tax. Failure to pay these taxes can result in suspension.
Failure to Maintain a Registered Agent
LLCs are required to have a registered agent who is in charge of receiving legal documents on behalf of the company. If the registered agent resigns or is no longer available, the LLC must appoint a new registered agent. Failure to do so can result in suspension.
Taking Assets Out of Your Business
If you take assets out of your business, such as money or property, it can result in the suspension of your LLC.
Unpaid Loans to Shareholders
If you have unpaid loans to shareholders, it can result in suspension.
Excessive Salaries to Officers
If you pay excessive salaries to officers, it can result in your LLC being suspended.
If your LLC is suspended, it is no longer in good standing with the state and loses its rights, powers, and privileges to do business. To revive or reinstate a suspended LLC, you will need to take certain steps, such as filing the required documents and paying any outstanding taxes and fees. The process of reinstating an LLC can vary depending on the state and the reason for suspension.
What Happens If an LLC Continues to Operate While Suspended?
If an LLC continues to operate while suspended, it can face serious consequences. The LLC cannot legally operate, enter into contracts, or conduct any business activities. If the LLC continues to operate while suspended, it can face legal penalties, fines, and lawsuits.
The consequences of a suspended status can include, without limitation, the business entity being unable to sell, transfer or exchange real property, as well as risking any contracts entered into by the LLC during the time of suspension being voidable. The suspended LLC becomes essentially prohibited from legally operating within the state until the suspended status is withdrawn. Furthermore, the absence of any functioning legal entity resulting from the suspension can expose the suspended LLC’s owners to personal liability based on the debts, obligations and/or liabilities of the LLC.
If an LLC continues to operate while suspended, it can also damage its reputation and relationships with customers, suppliers, and partners. Customers may lose trust in the LLC and choose to do business with other companies. Suppliers and partners may also be hesitant to work with a suspended LLC, which can lead to lost business opportunities.
In addition, if a suspended LLC can face difficulties in accessing the courts. In many states, a company that is not in good standing cannot bring a lawsuit in that state until good standing is restored. This can limit the LLC’s ability to protect its legal rights and interests and increase its vulnerability in a number of areas. Due to these circumstances, if an LLC is suspended, it is important to address the issue promptly to avoid further penalties or legal consequences.
DoMyLLC Can Help Reinstate a Suspended LLC
DoMyLLC.com is a company that provides corporate compliance and registered agent services to help businesses stay compliant and avoid suspension. We also can help with reinstating a suspended LLC:
Reinstatement Services
DoMyLLC.com offers reinstatement services to help businesses get back in good standing with the state. We can help you file the necessary documents, pay any outstanding fees and taxes, and navigate the reinstatement process in your state.
Annual Report Filing
DoMyLLC.com can help you stay compliant with annual report filing requirements to avoid suspension in the first place. We can manage the process for you in two simple steps, helping you avoid penalties and reinstatement fees.
Custom Solutions and Live Support
DoMyLLC.com provides custom solutions and live support to help you through the reinstatement process. We understand that reinstating a suspended LLC can be stressful and challenging, especially if you don’t have the proper experience or enough time. We can provide the guidance and support you need to get your business back on track.