West Virginia LLC

West Virginia is an excellent place for innovation. If you have been sitting on the next big idea and are considering starting a business, you should look into a West Virginia LLC.

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Filing a West Virginia LLC

Those without much business experience could find West Virginia LLCs to be well worth their while. That’s because it’s very easy to set up a West Virginia LLC, so long as you follow the few steps found below. Additionally, the LLC structure protects members from company liabilities and debts.

Steps To Filing a West Virginia LLC

Choose A Name
When registering a West Virginia LLC, the first thing you’ll want to do is choose a name. Remember that in the state of West Virginia, each entity must have a unique name, and no two businesses can share a name. It’s devastating when you come up with a name, only to realize that it’s already taken. You can avoid this by using the DoMyLLC Name Availability Check Page.

Furthermore, you should also remember that the state of West Virginia requires companies to indicate their LLC status in their name. You’ll need to include something like “LLC,” “Limited Liability Company,” or some abbreviation of the term.

Choose A Registered Agent

After choosing a name for your West Virginia LLC, you’ll need to select a registered agent to serve on your company’s behalf. A registered agent is someone who is tasked with accepting legal correspondence for your company. If your registered agent is not reliable, you could end up missing important deadlines. Consider investing in quality registered agent services like DoMyLLC.

File Articles Of Organization & Pay Filing Fees

After securing a registered agent, you can move forward filing the Articles of Organization with the state’s Business & Licensing Division. When doing so, you’ll need to pay a $100 filing fee. You should also be prepared to include the following on the Articles of Organization:

  • Name of the company
  • Address of the principal office
  • Mailing address
  • Registered agent information
  • Names and signatures of company organizers
  • Management structure
  • Names and addresses of the members
  • If managed by managers, provide the names and addresses of these individuals
  • Business purpose
  • Effective date

File Initial Report

West Virginia LLCs are technically not required to submit an Initial Report, although the first report will be due on June 30, no matter when the company’s effective date is.

Create An Operating Agreement And Hold Meetings

New business owners will also benefit from drafting an operating agreement, which defines the role of every member of the company. Once in place, you can begin holding meetings and logging minutes.

Obtain Employer Identification Number

Employer Identification Numbers are necessary to open a bank account for your business and file taxes each year. The Internal Revenue Service provides EINs.

File State Required Annual Reports

West Virginia LLCs must file an Annual Report each year. The report is due by June 30. It costs $25 to submit this form. If you do not register on time, there is a $100 late fee, and the state has the right to dissolve your business. You can learn more about on the West Virginia Annual Reports page.

Ongoing Maintenance

In addition to the Annual Report, owners should also remember each year to file taxes and renew their business licenses and permits.

How DoMyLLC Can Assist With Streamlining The Process

If you are looking to form a business in West Virginia, DoMyLLC can help. We offer services including:

  • Name availability check
  • Articles of Organization preparation
  • Filing of the Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State’s office
  • Sample documents, including a sample Operating Agreement, meeting notices, and meeting minutes
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Unlimited customer support

By working with us, you’ll have more time to dedicate to your business, allowing your brand to grow. Contact us today to learn more about managing your West Virginia LLC.

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