Pennsylvania LLC

If you are looking to open a business, you likely know there are multiple corporate structures available. However, the Pennsylvania LLC is probably the most beneficial.

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Filing a Pennsylvania LLC

For those looking to form a business, establishing a Pennsylvania LLC could be in their best interest for a few reasons. For one, the process of filing an LLC is rather straightforward. Although prospective owners must be diligent when completing forms, it tends to be easier to do so when registering an LLC. Additionally, LLCs can provide significant liability protection to members of the company.

Steps To Filing a Pennsylvania LLC

Choose A Name

If you would like to create a Pennsylvania LLC, the first thing you’ll need to do is select a name. Unfortunately, the state of Pennsylvania does not allow two businesses to have the same name. You’ll need to come up with a unique name. To ensure that no other company is already using the name you want, use the DoMyLLC Name Availability Check Page.
Furthermore, you should also know that the state of Pennsylvania requires LLCs to indicate their corporate structure in their name. Because you’re filing as an LLC, you’ll need to include something like “Limited Liability Company” or a similar abbreviation.
Choose A Registered Agent
In addition to choosing a name, you’ll also need to take time to select a registered agent. Registered agents serve on the company’s behalf, accepting legal correspondence and notice of lawsuits. Having a reliable agent could improve your business’ chances of success. Because of this, many Pennsylvania LLC owners hire a professional company who offers registered agent services, like DoMyLLC.

File Certificate Of Organization & Pay Filing Fees

Once you’ve come up with a name and registered agent, you can begin filing the paperwork necessary to create the Pennsylvania LLC. Prospective owners will need to submit a Certificate of Organization with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations. When doing so, they’ll also need to include a $125 filing fee. The Article of Organization will provide the state with critical information about your business, such as:

  • Name of the company
  • Information about the registered agent or office
  • The name and signature of each organizer
  • The effective date

File Initial Report

There are no Initial Report requirements for Pennsylvania LLCs. However, companies will want to be mindful of when they file their first Annual Report.

Create An Operating Agreement And Hold Meetings

Although it’s not required, many Pennsylvania LLC owners find it beneficial to draft an operating agreement. This form clarifies how the company will be run. Once in place, companies can begin holding meetings.

Obtain Employer Identification Number

Owners must also obtain an Employer Identification Number from the IRS. This number is necessary to secure a business bank account and to file taxes.

File State Required Decennial Reports

Pennsylvania LLCs are also required to file Decennial Reports every ten years, so long as no other filings have been made during the ten-year period. It costs $70 for companies to submit these forms. Although the state does not assess fees for late filings, you’ll lose the right to your business name. Be sure to learn more on the Pennsylvania Decennial Report page.

Ongoing Maintenance

Although Decennial Reports are due every ten years, there are annual requirements such as filing taxes or renewing business licenses and permits.

How DoMyLLC Can Assist With Streamlining The Process

If you don’t have experience forming Pennsylvania LLCs, it could be in your best interest to hire a third-party company to help. At DoMyLLC, we offer:

  • Name availability check
  • Certificate of Organization preparation
  • Filing of the Certificate of Organization with the Secretary of State’s office
  • Sample documents, including a sample Operating Agreement, meeting notices, and meeting minutes
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Unlimited customer support

No matter your needs, we’ll work with you to come up with a solution that will allow you to grow your business.

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