Colorado Registered Agent

When a business files as an LLC in Colorado, one of the primary requirements is that they have a registered agent. It’s crucial that new business owners find a registered agent who they can trust.

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A registered agent is a business or individual who serves as a company’s representative. They are typically tasked with accepting documents on the LLC’s behalf, including official government correspondence. This can include service of process notices, tax information, communication from the Secretary of State, and notices of lawsuits. A Colorado Registered agent acts as a middle-man, as it is their job to see that members of the LLC receive these documents.

Colorado Registered Agent Requirements For an Individual 

According to the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office, there are a few requirements when it comes to determining which individuals can serve as a company’s Colorado registered agent.

  1. The individual must be at least 18 years old
  2. The individual’s primary residence must be in the state of Colorado
  3. The registered agent must be someone who is available during all business hours to accept legal correspondence
  4. Companies may appoint only one business entity or individual to act as their registered agent
  5. Registered agents must agree with the appointment

Colorado Registered Agent Requirements For a Company 

If a business would rather not have an individual serve as their registered agent, they could also hire a third-party company to serve in the role. Third-party Colorado registered agent companies must meet the following requirements:

  1. Domestic entities whose usual place of business is in Colorado can serve as a registered agent
  2. Foreign entities must have a usual place of business in Colorado and must also have authority to transact business in Colorado to serve as a registered agent
  3. A business entity may serve as its own registered agent
  4. The Colorado Secretary of State may not be named as a registered agent
  5. Companies may appoint only one business entity or individual to act as their registered agent
  6. Registered agents must agree with the appointment

DoMyLLC Can Serve As Your Colorado Registered Agent

It’s critical that new business owners find a Colorado registered agent upon who they can trust and rely. At DoMyLLC, we offer registered agent services to those looking to file as an LLC or corporation in the state of Colorado. When hiring us to serve as a registered agent, business owners can rest assured that they are receiving reliable, professional services, including:

  1. A physical address in the state of Colorado, meeting requirements set forth by the Secretary of State’s Office.
  2. An office available during business hours from Monday through Friday. We can accept all legal correspondence for a company.
  3. A secure online account where business owners can manage your documents.
  4. An innovative management system design making it easier than ever for business owners to handle all legal correspondence, even if they’re not in the state.
  5. A compliance reminder system that informs business owners when annual report filings are due, ensuring they never miss a deadline.
  6. A compliance calendar, which is an easy-to-view method that allows owner to track when annual reports are due.
  7. A vast document library that includes both state and internal paperwork for Corporations and LLCs
  8. Links to state and government agencies
  9. Unlimited document storage

If businesses in Colorado miss important deadlines, such as annual report filings, they could be subject to harsh penalties. When hiring DoMyLLC as a registered agent, business owner can trust that their information will be uploaded to the online management system immediately upon delivery and that they will never miss an important deadline. DoMyLLC allows business owners to focus on running their business instead of having to burden themselves with compliance paperwork.

How To Change Your Colorado Registered Agent

If you are a business owner in the state of Colorado who is not satisfied with the registered agent currently representing your company, it’s possible that you can make a change.

  • Hire a New Agent – The first thing business owners need to do when changing registered agents is hire a new agent. The state of Colorado will ask you for information about the new registered agent, so it’s vital that business owners have already secured this information.
  • File the Required Change of Agent Paperwork with the Colorado Secretary of State – When filing Change of Agent Paperwork with the Colorado Secretary of State, business owners will need to have the registered agent name and address. They will also need to affirm that the new registered agent consents to the change. Business owners can find more information about the Change of Agent form on the Colorado Secretary of State’s website. In addition to filing Change of Agent paperwork, business owners in Colorado also have the option of making changes to their registered agent information when filing their annual report.
  • Pay the Filing Fee – As you’ll see in our fee structure table below, the cost of changing registered agents in the state of Colorado is minimal. Doing so is a small investment in a business’ future.

State Filing Fees

The state of Colorado charges minimal fees to file paperwork associated with registered agents. The cost of filing paperwork with the Secretary of State’s Office may depend on the type of business who is submitting the information. Take a look at the fee structure tables found below.

Entity Type State Fee Registered Agent Change
Domestic Colorado Corporation $10
Domestic Colorado Limited Liability Company $10
Domestic Colorado Non-Profit Corporations $10
Domestic & Foreign Partnerships (LP, LLP, LLLP) $10
Foreign Corporations and Non-Profit Corporations $10
Foreign Limited Liability Companies $10
Corporation Entity Type State Fee for Formation
Domestic Colorado Corporation $50
Domestic Colorado Non-Profit Corporation $50
Foreign Corporation Qualification $100
Foreign Non-Profit Corporation Qualification $100
LLC Entity Type State Fee for Formation
Domestic Colorado Limited Liability Company $50
Domestic Colorado Partnerships $50
Foreign Limited Liability Company Qualification $100
Foreign Partnership Qualification $100

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