Iowa LLC

If you’ve come up with an innovative idea that you’re ready to bring to market, it could be time for you to start a business. When doing so in the state of Iowa, you should strongly consider doing so as an Iowa LLC

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Filing An Iowa LLC

If you’ve come up with an innovative idea that you’re ready to bring to market, it could be time for you to start a business. When doing so in the state of Iowa, you should strongly consider doing so as an Iowa LLC.

Steps To Filing An Iowa LLC

Choose A Name

Once an entrepreneur has decided it’s time to form an Iowa LLC, the first thing they must do is choose a name for their new entity. Iowa requires companies to include an indicator in their title, such as “Limited Liability Company” or “L.L.C.” Additionally, owners will want to choose something that’s unique and not already in use. They can use the DoMyLLC Name Availability Check Page to figure out what names are available.

Choose A Registered Agent

After choosing a name, new LLC owners must also select a registered agent. This individual is critical to business operations, as they are responsible for receiving legal correspondence on behalf of the business and passing it along to the business owners. Because of how critical this role is, many Iowa LLC owners elect to hire a professional third-party registered agent services company, such as DoMyLLC.

File Certificate Of Organization & Pay Filing Fees

After choosing a name and registered agent, entrepreneurs can begin the process of creating their Iowa LLC. There is a $50 fee to submit this paperwork to the Secretary of State’s Business Services Division. The forms will also include:

  • The name of the LLC
  • The address of the Registered Agent
  • Name of the Registered Agent
  • Name and signature of the organizer

File Initial Report

Iowa LLC owners are fortunate that they do not have to file an Initial Report with the Secretary of State’s office. However, they should pay attention to deadlines for Biennial Reports.

Create An Operating Agreement And Hold Meetings

Iowa LLC owners will also want to draft an operating agreement to define how they will run their company. Once this document is in place, the company can begin holding meetings.

Obtain Employer Identification Number

The Internal Revenue Service issues Employer Identification Numbers to all companies operating in the United States. This number is exclusive to a business and affords owners the opportunity to open a business banking account. It’s also vital for filing taxes.

File State Required Biennial Reports

Every other year, Iowa LLC owners must submit a Biennial Report to the Secretary of State’s office. This report is due on April 1 of odd years. It costs $45 to send this form online and $60 to send it by mail. If you do not file this form within 60 days of its due date, the state will likely revoke your entity.

Ongoing Maintenance

Although reporting requirements to the Secretary of State’s office are on a biennial basis, Iowa LLC owners must meet a few annual requirements. First, they must file taxes each year. Second, they must renew any licenses or permits necessary to their company’s operation.

How DoMyLLC Can Assist With Streamlining The Process

No matter if you are just getting started forming an Iowa LLC or have been in operation for years but need help with ongoing maintenance, DoMyLLC is here for you. We offer services such as:

  • Name availability check
  • Articles of Organization preparation
  • Filing of the Certificate Of Organization with the Secretary of State’s office
  • Sample documents, including a sample Operating Agreement, meeting notices, and meeting minutes
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Unlimited customer support

Hiring DoMyLLC to focus on administrative paperwork allows you to set your sights on growing your business and making your dreams a reality.

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