Nevada LLC

If you would like to start a business in Nevada, there are a few things you’ll need to do. The first decision that owners must make is whether they will file as a Nevada LLC. Choosing to do so could be advantageous.

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Filing a Nevada LLC

Owning an LLC in Nevada could prove to be beneficial to new business owners. First and foremost, the process of creating one of these entities is rather straightforward. Additionally, doing so could protect owners from liability. To form a Nevada LLC, there are a few things that owners must do.

Steps To Filing a Nevada LLC

Choose A Name

When creating a Nevada LLC, the first thing that potential business owners must do is come up with a name. The state of Nevada requires that companies include an indicator of their LLC structure in their name. Options include adding “Limited Liability Company” or “L.L.C.” to their title. Additionally, prospective Nevada LLC owners will want to make sure that the name they choose is not already in use by another company. Be sure to use the Name Availability Check Page to prevent this from happening.

Choose A Registered Agent

After choosing a name, prospective Nevada LLC owners must also select a registered agent. The registered agent is a third-party company or individual who accepts legal documents on the company’s behalf. This role can be vital, which is why many owners decide to hire a professional company that provides quality registered agent services, such as DoMyLLC.

File Articles Of Organization & Pay Filing Fees

At this point, prospective owners can begin filing the paperwork necessary to become a Nevada LLC. Owners must submit an Articles of Organization to the Nevada Secretary of State. When doing so, owners must pay a filing fee of $75. It will also contain information critical to the business, such as:

  • Name of the company
  • Information about the registered agent
  • Whether the company will operate as a Series LLC or Restricted LLC
  • Dissolution Date
  • Registered agent signature
  • The initial list of managers or managing members
  • Names and addresses of all organizers

File Initial Report

Business owners in Nevada are required to file an Initial Report, which will list the initial list of managers or members and business license application. This form is due by the final day of the month following the original registration. For example, if a company files its original registration on November 15, the Initial Report is due by December 31. It costs $150 to file this form and $200 to obtain a business license.

Create An Operating Agreement And Hold Meetings

Nevada LLCs will also want to come up with an operating agreement to help further define their corporate structure. Once in place, the company can begin holding meetings.

Obtain Employer Identification Number

The IRS will issue an Employer Identification Number to Nevada LLCs. This number is necessary if an owner would like to open a business banking account. It is also required when filing taxes.

File State Required Annual Reports

Nevada LLC owners are also required to file an Annual Report each year. This form is due by the end of the company’s anniversary month. There is a $150 fee associated with submitting this form, in addition to a $200 business license application and fee. If not filed on time, there is an additional fee of $75 for the Annual Report and $100 for the business license.

Ongoing Maintenance

LLC owners will also want to ensure they remain compliant with their federal, state, and local governments. They can do so by filing taxes every year and make sure they renew all business licenses.

How DoMyLLC Can Assist With Streamlining The Process

Whether you are filing for the first time or need help with ongoing maintenance, DoMyLLC is here to help, offering services such as:

  • Name availability check
  • Articles of Organization preparation
  • Filing of the Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State’s office
  • Sample documents, including a sample Operating Agreement, meeting notices, and meeting minutes
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Unlimited customer support

If you’re interested in learning more about how DoMyLLC can allow you to focus on your business, be sure to contact us today.

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