Nebraska LLC

Although there are a few different corporate structures you can choose from when starting a business, none are more beneficial than a Nebraska LLC. The process of forming an LLC is rather straightforward. Also, the LLC structure can help protect owners from corporate liabilities.

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Filing a Nebraska LLC

Many young business owners find that opening a Nebraska LLC is advantageous to their operations. They discover that it’s easy to set up an LLC and that doing so can protect them significantly from corporate liability.  

Steps To Filing a Nebraska LLC

Choose A Name

If you’d like to file as a Nebraska LLC, the first thing you must do is choose a name. The state of Nebraska requires business owners to include an indicator of their LLC status in the company name. Owners will want to include something as “Limited Liability Company” or “L.LC.” in their name to meet these requirements. Additionally, the state will not allow two companies to have the same name. To avoid choosing a title that is already in use, be sure to check the Name Availability Check Page.

Choose A Registered Agent

After choosing a name, owners will then need to find a registered agent to serve on the company’s behalf. This person or company is responsible for accepting legal correspondence on behalf of the company. Unfortunately, far too many LLC owners overlook the importance of this position. Experienced Nebraska LLC owners know that hiring a reputable third-party company like DoMyLLC to serve as the registered agent will be most beneficial.

File Certificate Of Organization & Pay Filing Fees

Once prospective owners have selected a name and registered agent, they can then begin to file the Certificate of Organization with the Nebraska Secretary of State. There is a $105 filing fee when submitting this form. Additionally, owners will provide other critical information, such as:

  • The name of the company
  • Information about the registered agent
  • Whether the company intends to provide a professional service
  • The management structure of the company
  • The intended purpose of the company
  • Designated office information
  • Contribution to capital
  • Signature of the organizer completing the form

File Initial Report

Nebraska businesses are not required to submit an Initial Report. However, they should pay close attention to the Biennial Report guidelines.

Create An Operating Agreement And Hold Meetings

Nebraska LLC owners will also want to draft an operating agreement, which will define how members will conduct business. Once in place, members can begin holding meetings and keeping minutes.

Obtain Employer Identification Number

Owners will also need to secure an Employer Identification Number from the IRS. This number is required to file taxes. Additionally, many banks require a company to provide this number when seeking to open a bank account.

File State Required Biennial Reports

The state of Nebraska requires LLCs to file a Biennial Report every other year. The reports are due on April 1, every odd-numbered year. It costs a mere $10 to submit this form. Additionally, there is no fine if owners do not register on time. However, if two months late, the state will dissolve the business. It’s imperative that Nebraska LLC owners take the time to learn about Biennial Reporting requirements.

Ongoing Maintenance

Although Nebraska reporting requirements are every other year, owners will still have some annual requirements. This can include filing taxes at the federal, state and local levels and renewing and licenses or permits relevant to company operations.

How DoMyLLC Can Assist With Streamlining The Process

If you are looking to form a Nebraska LLC or need help managing your maintenance requirements, you should look into hiring DoMyLLC. We offer services such as:

  • Name availability check
  • Certificate of Organization preparation
  • Filing of the Certificate of Organization with the Secretary of State’s office
  • Sample documents, including a sample Operating Agreement, meeting notices, and meeting minutes
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Unlimited customer support

Be sure to contact us today to learn more about how we can help streamline the process so that you can expand your company operations.

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